Itt az év vége, ami többek között annyit jelent, hogy szinte mindenhol összefoglaló listákkal találkozhatunk. A Godreads Choice Awards 2021 nyertesei esetében sincs másképp, ugyanis kihirdették az olvasói szavazatok győzteseit. Azaz íme a lista a könyvekről, amik az olvasók szerint a legjobbak voltak idén.

Alapvetően én is szoktam szavazni minden évben, azonban idén sajnos kimaradt. Ettől függetlenül kíváncsi vagyok ezekre a regényekre. A lista összeállításakor pedig örömmel láttam, hogy szép lassan jönnek ezek a könyvek magyarul is. Sőt, vannak, amik már meg is jelentek! Szóval pakolgattam is őket a várólistámra.

Best Fiction

Sally Rooney: Hová ​lettél, szép világ

Sally Rooney: Hová ​lettél, szép világ

Alice, aki regényíró, összeismerkedik Felixszel, aki egy raktárban dolgozik, és megkérdi, lenne-e kedve elkísérni őt Rómába. Alice legjobb barátnője Dublinban él, és éppen egy szakításon van túl. Újra flörtölni kezd Simonnal, akit már gyerekkora óta ismer.

Alice, Felix, Eileen és Simon még fiatalok – de ha nem vigyáznak, elrohan felettük az élet. Vágynak egymásra, félrevezetik egymást, összejönnek, szétmennek. Aggodalmakat olt beléjük a szex, a barátság, a mindannyiunkat körülvevő világ. Valóban ez az utolsó kivilágított helyiség, amiben ők állnak, hogy tanúi legyenek valaminek, mielőtt minden elsötétül? Van rá módjuk, hogy elhiggyék: a világ igenis szép?

Sally Rooney Sunday Times és New York Times bestsellerszerző. Eddig megjelent regényei: Baráti beszélgetések, Normális emberek – utóbbi átlépte a világszerte eladott egymillió példányt. Jelölései: Booker-díj, Dylan Thomas-díj, Rathbones Folio-díj, Desmond Elliott-díj, a Legjobb Női Regényíró díja. A Normális emberek 2018-ban Costa-díjban részesült, 2019-ben az év könyve lett a Waterstonesnál. Sally Rooney társforgatókönyvíróként részt vett a Normális emberekből készült tévésorozat megírásában, amelyet 2020-ban mutattak be a BBC-n. A Baráti beszélgetésekből készült BBC-sorozat bemutatóját 2022-re tűzték ki.

Best Mystery & Thriller

Laura Dave: The Last Thing He Told Me

Laura Dave: The Last Thing He Told Me Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

We all have stories we never tell.

Before Owen Michaels disappears, he manages to smuggle a note to his beloved wife of one year: Protect her.

Despite her confusion and fear, Hannah Hall knows exactly to whom the note refers: Owen’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Bailey. She, who lost her mother tragically as a child. The daughter, who wants absolutely nothing to do with her new stepmother.

As Hannah’s increasingly desperate calls to Owen go unanswered; as the FBI arrests Owen’s boss; as a US Marshal and FBI agents arrive at her Sausalito home unannounced, Hannah quickly realizes her husband isn’t who he said he was. And that Bailey just may hold the key to figuring out Owen’s true identity—and why he really disappeared.

Hannah and Bailey set out to discover the truth, together. But as they start putting together the pieces of Owen’s past, they soon realize they are also building a new future. One neither Hannah nor Bailey could have anticipated.

Best Historical Fiction

Taylor Jenkins Reid: Malibu Rising

Taylor Jenkins Reid: Malibu Rising Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

Four famous siblings throw an epic party to celebrate the end of the summer. But over the course of twenty-four hours, their lives will change forever.

Malibu: August, 1983. It’s the day of Nina Riva’s annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: Nina, the talented surfer and supermodel; brothers Jay and Hud, one a championship surfer, the other a renowned photographer; and their adored baby sister, Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over—especially as the offspring of the legendary singer, Mick Riva.

The only person not looking forward to the party of the year is Nina herself, who never wanted to be the center of attention, and who has also just been very publicly abandoned by her pro tennis player husband. Oh, and maybe Hud—because it is long past time to confess something to the brother from whom he’s been inseparable since birth.

Jay, on the other hand, is counting the minutes until nightfall, when the girl he can’t stop thinking about promised she’ll be there.

And Kit has a couple secrets of her own—including a guest she invited without consulting anyone.

By midnight the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours before dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family’s generations will all come bubbling to the surface.

Best Fantasy

Sarah J. Maas: A ​Court of Silver Flames – Ezüst lángok udvara – (Tüskék és rózsák udvara 5.)

Sarah J. Maas: A ​Court of Silver Flames - Ezüst lángok udvara - (Tüskék és rózsák udvara 5.)

Féktelen erő. Féktelen szenvedély.

Nesta Archeron mindig is ingerlékeny és büszke volt, hirtelen gerjed haragra, és lassan bocsát meg. Mióta az Üstbe kényszerítették, és akarata ellenére főtündérré vált, nehezen találja a helyét a különös, veszedelmes világban, ahol él. Úgy tűnik, képtelen túllépni a Hybern elleni háború rémségein és mindazon, amit ott elveszített.

És van valaki, aki mindenki másnál könnyebben feldühíti: Cassian, a sok csatát megjárt harcos, aki a Rhysand és Feyre uralta Éjszaka udvarában betöltött pozíciója miatt folyamatosan Nesta útjába keveredik. De Cassian nem csak a haragját szítja fel. Le sem tagadhatnák a kettejük közötti szikrákat – és a szenvedélyük fellángol, amikor kénytelenek egy fedél alá költözni.

Mindeközben az áruló emberkirálynők, akik az előző háború során visszatértek a kontinensre, veszélyes új szövetséget kötnek, és a vidék törékeny békéjét fenyegetik. A megállításuk kulcsa pedig azon múlik, képes-e Cassian és Nesta szembenézni az őket kísértő múlttal.

Ők ketten belső és külső rémekkel küzdenek a bizonytalansággal teli világban, miközben elfogadást – és gyógyulást – keresnek egymás karjában.

Best Romance

Emily Henry: People We Meet on Vacation

A szerzőtől eddig a Strandkönyv jelent meg magyarul, itt írtam róla véleményt.

Emily Henry: People We Meet on Vacation Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love.

From the New York Times bestselling author of Beach Read, a sparkling new novel that will leave you with the warm, hazy afterglow usually reserved for the best vacations.

Poppy and Alex. They have nothing in common. She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart—she’s in New York City, and he’s in their small hometown—but every summer, for a decade, they have taken one glorious week of vacation together.

Until two years ago, when they ruined everything. They haven’t spoken since.

Poppy has everything she should want, but she’s stuck in a rut. When someone asks when she was last truly happy, she knows, without a doubt, it was on that ill-fated, final trip with Alex. And so, she decides to convince her best friend to take one more vacation together—lay everything on the table, make it all right. Miraculously, he agrees.

Now she has a week to fix everything. If only she can get around the one big truth that has always stood quietly in the middle of their seemingly perfect relationship. What could possibly go wrong?

Best Science Fiction

Andy Weir: A ​Hail Mary-küldetés

Andy Weir: A ​Hail Mary-küldetés

Ryland Grace egyedül maradt: az utolsó esélyként indított küldetés egyetlen túlélőjeként nem vallhat kudarcot, különben az egész Föld és vele az emberiség is elpusztul. Csakhogy éppenséggel ezt ő maga sem tudja. A saját nevére sem emlékszik, nemhogy arra, hogy hol van, és mit is kéne tennie.

Csak annyit tud, hogy évekig tartó öntudatlanságból ébresztik fel, sok millió kilométerre az otthonától, két holttest társaságában.

Rylandnak lépésről lépésre kell feltárnia a múltját. Így apránként szembesül az előtte álló lehetetlen feladattal: a bolygó kormányai összefogásában sebtiben összetákolt, majd az űr mélyébe kilőtt hajó fedélzetén egymagában kell elhárítania az emberiség kihalásával fenyegető, felfoghatatlan súlyú katasztrófát.

Ha beszámítjuk a képletbe váratlan szövetségesét, talán még sikerrel is járhat.

A hazánkban is lehengerlő sikert aratott A marsi – Mentőexpedíció és az Artemis után a #1 New York Times-bestsellerszerző Andy Weir ismét lélegzetelállító útra hív a világegyetem mélyére eddigi talán legizgalmasabb könyvében.

Best Horror

Grady Hendrix: The Final Girl Support Group

Grady Hendrix: The Final Girl Support Group Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

A fast-paced, thrilling horror novel that follows a group of heroines to die for, from the brilliant New York Times bestselling author of The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires.

In horror movies, the final girl is the one who’s left standing when the credits roll. The one who fought back, defeated the killer, and avenged her friends. The one who emerges bloodied but victorious. But after the sirens fade and the audience moves on, what happens to her?

Lynnette Tarkington is a real-life final girl who survived a massacre twenty-two years ago, and it has defined every day of her life since. And she’s not alone. For more than a decade she’s been meeting with five other actual final girls and their therapist in a support group for those who survived the unthinkable, putting their lives back together, piece by piece. That is until one of the women misses a meeting and Lynnette’s worst fears are realized–someone knows about the group and is determined to take their lives apart again, piece by piece.

But the thing about these final girls is that they have each other now, and no matter how bad the odds, how dark the night, how sharp the knife, they will never, ever give up.

Best Humor

Jenny Lawson: Broken

Jenny Lawson: Broken Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Furiously Happy and Let’s Pretend This Never Happened comes a deeply relatable book filled with humor and honesty about depression and anxiety.

As Jenny Lawson’s hundreds of thousands of fans know, she suffers from depression. In Broken, Jenny brings readers along on her mental and physical health journey, offering heartbreaking and hilarious anecdotes along the way.

With people experiencing anxiety and depression now more than ever, Jenny humanizes what we all face in an all-too-real way, reassuring us that we’re not alone and making us laugh while doing it. From the business ideas that she wants to pitch to Shark Tank to the reason why Jenny can never go back to the post office, Broken leaves nothing to the imagination in the most satisfying way. And of course, Jenny’s long-suffering husband Victor―the Ricky to Jenny’s Lucille Ball―is present throughout.

A treat for Jenny Lawson’s already existing fans, and destined to convert new ones, Broken is a beacon of hope and a wellspring of laughter when we all need it most.

Best Nonfiction

John Green: The Anthropocene Reviewed

John Green: The Anthropocene Reviewed Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

A deeply moving and mind-expanding collection of personal essays in the first ever work of non-fiction from #1 internationally bestselling author John Green

The Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet – from the QWERTY keyboard and Halley’s Comet to Penguins of Madagascar – on a five-star scale.

Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene’s reviews have been praised as ‘observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy’, with over 10 million lifetime downloads. John Green’s gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection about the shared human experience; it includes beloved essays along with six all-new pieces exclusive to the book.

Best Memoir & Autobiography

Michelle Zauner: Crying in H Mart

Michelle Zauner: Crying in H Mart Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

An unflinching, powerful memoir about growing up Korean American, losing her mother, and forging her own identity.

In this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humor and heart, she tells of growing up one of the few Asian American kids at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother’s particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother’s tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food.

As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band–and meeting the man who would become her husband–her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother’s diagnosis of terminal cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her.

Vivacious and plainspoken, lyrical and honest, Zauner’s voice is as radiantly alive on the page as it is onstage. Rich with intimate anecdotes that will resonate widely, and complete with family photos, Crying in H Mart is a book to cherish, share, and reread.

Best History & Biography

Patrick Radden Keefe: Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty

Patrick Radden Keefe: Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

The highly anticipated portrait of three generations of the Sackler family, by the prize-winning, bestselling author of Say Nothing.

The Sackler name adorns the walls of many storied institutions: Harvard, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Oxford, the Louvre. They are one of the richest families in the world, known for their lavish donations to the arts and sciences. The source of the family fortune was vague, however, until it emerged that the Sacklers were responsible for making and marketing OxyContin, a blockbuster painkiller that was a catalyst for the opioid crisis.

Empire of Pain is a masterpiece of narrative reporting and writing, exhaustively documented and ferociously compelling.

Best Graphic Novels & Comics

Rachel Smythe: Lore Olympus – Olümposzi história 1.

Rachel Smythe: Lore Olympus - Olümposzi história 1.

Botrányos pletykák, vad bulik és tiltott szerelem – tekints bele az istenek éjszakai életébe Rachel Smythe stílusos képregényében, mely kortárs környezetben gondolja újra a görög mitológia legismertebb történeteit.

Perszephoné, a tavasz ifjú istennője nemrég érkezett Olümposzba. Anyja, Démétér a halandók világában nevelte fel, de miután lánya ígéretet tesz neki, hogy szent szűzként tanul tovább, megengedi, hogy az istenek pörgő, csillogó világába lépjen. Amikor Perszephonét szobatársnője, Artemisz elviszi egy buliba, az egész élete a feje tetejére áll: találkozik Hádésszal, és azonnal szikra lobban közte és az Alvilág sármos, de félreértett uralkodója között. Perszephoné belegabalyodik az Olümposzt uraló intrikák és viszonyok szövedékébe, miközben megpróbálja megtalálni a helyét – és a valódi hatalmát.

Az Eisner-díjra jelölt webképregénynek ez a kiadása egy új előzménytörténetet is tartalmaz, és a görög panteont egy rendkívül szellemes és romantikus képregényben repíti el a modern korba.

Az első kötet a Webtoon első számú képregényének, a Lore Olympusnak az 1-25. fejezeteit tartalmazza.

Best Poetry

Amanda Gorman & Oprah Winfrey: The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country

Amanda Gorman & Oprah Winfrey: The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

On January 20, 2021, Amanda Gorman became the sixth and youngest poet to deliver a poetry reading at a presidential inauguration. Taking the stage after the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, Gorman captivated the nation and brought hope to viewers around the globe. Her poem “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country” can now be cherished in this special gift edition. Including an enduring foreword by Oprah Winfrey, this keepsake celebrates the promise of America and affirms the power of poetry.

Best Debut Novel

Elena Armas: The Spanish Love Deception

Elena Armas: The Spanish Love Deception Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

A wedding. A trip to Spain. The most infuriating man. And three days of pretending. Or in other words, a plan that will never work.

Catalina Martín, finally, not single. Her family is happy to announce that she will bring her American boyfriend to her sister’s wedding. Everyone is invited to come and witness the most magical event of the year.

That would certainly be tomorrow’s headline in the local newspaper of the small Spanish town I came from. Or the epitaph on my tombstone, seeing the turn my life had taken in the span of a phone call.

Four weeks wasn’t a lot of time to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic–from NYC and all the way to Spain–for a wedding. Let alone, someone eager to play along my charade. But that didn’t mean I was desperate enough to bring the 6’4 blue eyed pain in my ass standing before me.

Aaron Blackford. The man whose main occupation was making my blood boil had just offered himself to be my date. Right after inserting his nose in my business, calling me delusional, and calling himself my best option. See? Outrageous. Aggravating. Blood boiling. And much to my total despair, also right. Which left me with a surly and extra large dilemma in my hands. Was it worth the suffering to bring my colleague and bane of my existence as my fake boyfriend to my sister’s wedding? Or was I better off coming clean and facing the consequences of my panic induced lie?

Like my abuela would say, que dios nos pille confesados.

The Spanish Love Deception is an enemies-to-lovers, fake-dating romantic comedy. Perfect for those looking for a steamy slow-burn romance with the sweetest Happily Ever After.

Best Young Adult Fiction

Angeline Boulley: A ​tűz őrzőjének lánya

Angeline Boulley: A ​tűz őrzőjének lánya

Faji előítéletek, egy sokkoló gyilkosság utáni nyomozás és lenyűgöző betekintés az amerikai őslakosok kultúrájába – A tűz őrzőjének lánya 2021 legnagyobb young adult sikere az Egyesült Államokban, amelyből Barack Obama és Michelle Obama készít sorozatadaptációt a Netflix számára. 2022-ben magyar nyelven is elérhető lesz!

Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction

Leigh Bardugo: Rule of Wolves

Leigh Bardugo: Rule of Wolves Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

The wolves are circling. And Ravka’s time is running out.

The Demon King. As Fjerda’s massive army prepares to invade, Nikolai Lantsov will summon every bit of his ingenuity and charm—and even the monster within—to win this fight. But a dark threat looms that cannot be defeated by a young king’s gift for the impossible.

The Stormwitch. Zoya Nazyalensky has lost too much to war. She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend. Now duty demands she embrace her powers to become the weapon her country needs. No matter the cost.

The Queen of Mourning. Deep undercover, Nina Zenik risks discovery and death as she wages war on Fjerda from inside its capital. But her desire for revenge may cost her country its chance at freedom and Nina the chance to heal her grieving heart.

King. General. Spy. Together they must find a way to forge a future in the darkness. Or watch a nation fall.

Best Middle Grade & Children’s

Rick Riordan: Daughter of the Deep

Rick Riordan: Daughter of the Deep Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan pays homage to Jules Verne in his exciting modern take on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Ana Dakkar is a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a five-year high school that graduates the best marine scientists, naval warriors, navigators, and underwater explorers in the world. Ana’s parents died while on a scientific expedition two years ago, and the only family’s she’s got left is her older brother, Dev, also a student at HP. Ana’s freshman year culminates with the class’s weekend trial at sea, the details of which have been kept secret. She only hopes she has what it’ll take to succeed. All her worries are blown out of the water when, on the bus ride to the ship, Ana and her schoolmates witness a terrible tragedy that will change the trajectory of their lives.

But wait, there’s more. The professor accompanying them informs Ana that their rival school, Land Institute, and Harding-Pencroft have been fighting a cold war for a hundred and fifty years. Now that cold war has been turned up to a full broil, and the freshman are in danger of becoming fish food. In a race against deadly enemies, Ana will make amazing friends and astounding discoveries about her heritage as she puts her leadership skills to the test for the first time.

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